
11 h 30 min - 13 h 15 min

Salle 03 - Forum des corporations
Porte de Versailles, Paris, 75015

Type d’évènement

Carte non disponible

Organised by
the SFMC (French Society of Disaster Medicine)


What response and what organisation should be used in the face of crowd movements?

The forum on disaster relief will be organised by the French Society of Disaster Medicine (SFMC). The main theme will be devoted to the response and organisation of emergency relief and care actors in a context of intervention linked to one or more crowd movements.

Initially, five themes will be addressed, before bringing together all the participants for a round table discussion.

The five themes of the forum :

1) Principles of DPS in a closed environment (Olivier Ploix, CEO of ISMA, International Service Medical Assistance)
2) Principles of DPS in open and mobile environments (Pr Benoît Vivien / SAMU de Paris)
3) When the DPS is outdated (Alexis Benoit / DOPC)
4) When no DPS is planned (Lieutenant-colonel Francis Comas / SDIS 77)
5) Human factors and decision making (Dr Matthieu Langlois / anaesthetist and resuscitator, former head of the RAID-FIPN medical group)