
14 h 00 min - 14 h 45 min

Type d’évènement


  • Benjamin Serisier, E.M.T ND;
  • Arnaud Mathieu, E.M.T ND and Paramedic student at CEGEP in Outaouais, Gatineau, Quebec;
  • Jordan Fradin, anaesthetist nurse and PHTLS, AMLS instructor; SMUR nurse and Firefighter nurse in Finistère;
  • Evans Lucas, paramedic, Kenya; 
  • Nicolas Hallier, E.M.T ND, manager of a private ambulance company in the rural sector of Loire Atlantique. 


Antalgia for first responders, advantage or risk ?

During this workshop, we will discuss different current antalgia problematics in the Emergency Medical Assistance in France. Then we will open a reflexion on progression vector in this fiels