
14 h 00 min - 16 h 00 min

Type d’évènement

Organized by
La Fédération nationale des techniciens ambulanciers urgentistes (FNTAU), la Fédération nationale de la mobilité sanitaire (FNMS), la Chambre nationale des services d’ambulances (CNSA), la Fédération nationale des ambulanciers privés (FNAP) et la Fédération nationale des artisans ambulanciers (FNAA)

Our partner


CNSA and FNMS are organising a round table debate gathering the CNSA and FNMS presidents Mr Dominique HUNAULT and Thierry SCHIFANO.

They will discuss the application of the pre-hospital emergency sanitary transports reform, following the signature in December 2020 of the amendment 10 during the national convention on which negotiations between the federations and the Health Insurance are currently going on their last stretch.

The FNAA wishes for an open debate about the amendment 10, to explain their concerns about it’s application on the field, and underline the equity problem for all the E.M.Ts in France. The E.M.TS are volunteering as part of the UPH as it was shown during our implication following the pandemic of COVID-19, even with the EPI.  FNAA is not hostile to the amendment 10, instead they’re questioning the presence of some articles and their lack of precision, maybe they would have signed the amendment 10 if there were more explanations and work on the reglementation that is still quite confusing at the moment.

Some examples :

  • The reglementary will destroy volunteering for rural E.M.Ts
  • The reglementary does not fit the needs of spreaded population in health establishments
  • The absence of equity between rural and urban E.M.Ts 
  • The lack of safety on the “montant de carence” (deficiency amount)
  • The lack of recognition in their quality of emergency actors