
11 h 30 min - 13 h 30 min

Type d’évènement

Organized by
La Fédération nationale des Sapeurs-pompiers de France (FNSPF)

Our partner


Challenges for emergency rescue of people (SUAP) have never been that pressing, even if at the same time, the task for the Health and Rescue Medical Services (SSSM) is still more important. When contextualising the 112 emergency call centers and their environment, questions were rising about the field of competence of firefighters on one hand, and competences of the health service on the other hand depending on their practice perimeter. Through this forum, 2 questions will be elaborated :

- Which position for medical regulation in 2021 ?

Since the 1986 law on emergency medical aid, the amount of solicitation which the SAMU is facing has considerably increased and the SP dedicates today more than 80% of their activities to SUAP. De facto, should France leave a system depending on an entire medical regulation to evolve towards a system closer from the other European countries.

- Dematerialisation of victim/patient file (Nurse Lieutenant-colonel Michael Boue)

In 2021, most of the intervention files were still made on paper. In this context of digitalisation taken in by rescue and emergency care actors, the interoperability of information system between rescue services and inter-hospital services is an essential challenge to work on.